19 March 2011

Let's talk about the weather.

So, here it is: the ever-predictable blog about spring, and spring cleaning, and fresh starts, and yada, yada, yada.   This is about self-improvement, and what better time to get the ball rolling than the Ides of March.  This past winter seemed longer and more painful than most to me, and I think to lots of other people too.  I was shocked to hear on the news that it wasn't, in fact, as cold or snowy as last.  That was probably a newsworthy item because it was shocking to others as well.  I think that says something about what is going on in the world and where we are mentally, collectively.  And, true to every "first sign of spring" style, as soon as the sun made her first promising appearance, complete with mild temps, the tops came off (of cars, people), the joggers emerged onto the sidewalks from the gyms, and the dogs (Pablo included) ran more laps with a tennis ball in their mouth than they had all winter.  And that's just in Wyoming... when I lived in Hyde Park, the sidewalks would literally get jammed because of all the walkers/ runners and dogs.  THAT is how you knew spring was just around the corner.

***I'm just going to call this one, too, based on past springs- Pablo will definitely get some sort of obscure injury this season.  It happens every year.  A torn due claw, a black eye (yep), an unwarranted attack requiring emergency surgery, a run in with a brick wall- leaving him dazed and bruised, a torn pad... you get it.  This dog plays. Hard.  And if his allergies and post nasal drip aren't enough, he always manages to require a late night trip to the animal hospital this time of year.  I'm surprised they haven't called Animal Services (the equivalent of 241-KIDS for dogs?)  God love him.

My mom kept Sofia for the day the other day.  I'm She's worried about Sofia forgetting her, and her toys, and getting out of her routine, so even though I had no commitment, I dropped Sof off like I did when I was working and thought about what I'd do with this beautiful (70 and sunny) day all to myself.  (I'll save the blog about mommy guilt for another day.) Before I dropped her off, I thought, "I'm going to start this day off right." So we pulled though the Starbucks drive-thru and I treated myself to a non-fat iced chai and a piece of low-fat banana chocolate chip bread.  Mmmmm... As I'm ordering, I glance in the rear view mirror and spy Sof's hungry adorable face smiling at me. I panicked at the thought of sharing my treat with her and racked my brain for something baby friendly I could appease her with from the coffee shop.  I spit out at the last minute that I'd also take a slice of iced lemon pound cake.  Hey, why shouldn't she have an awesome day too?  So, we were on our way, eating cake for breakfast.  I'm sure my mom wondered why I handed my daughter off covered in cake crumbs at 9 a.m. in the morning. But this pregnant lady was NOT ABOUT to share my banana chocolate chip goodness with anyone.  Even Sof.

After I dropped her off, I mapped out my plans. It started with filling up my tank.  The gas pump practically begged me to take the discounted car wash.  And, damn those marketing ploys, since my card had already been swiped, I figured, why not? So while the pump was set to auto pilot, I hustled to clean the interior- throwing a random baby sock in the bag designated to go back into my house, scooping cheerios out of the car seat, and, quite frankly, I'm embarrassed at the number of water bottles in my car.  Since I became a parent, my fear of being stranded in my car has become irrational. Hence NEVER throwing away a water bottle from my car with any water left in it for fear that my baby may need those last sips to get through a blizzard/ traffic jam/ Armageddon-type scenario.  Plus, the whole green movement/ guilt thing really gets me.  If it IS empty, well then, I'll take it home and put it in the recycling bin.  Yeah, except NONE OF THESE THINGS EVER HAPPEN.  Well, the other day, my bff needed something to wash down her ibuprofen, so she was set. Maybe it isn't so irrational.  

WOW.  And I thought I had nothing to write about tonight.  I just wrote a novel about the water bottles in my car.  Ahem.  Moving right along.

My car was finally clean.  And, just for my own jollies, I put some air in my tires. I LOVE a full tank of gas and a clean car. I SWEAR it runs better based on these things alone.  When we were teenagers, my sister's car was nasty.  Like month old french fries on the dashboard, nasty. I would try to explain to her how a clean car = a clean life.  She didn't care. At all.   She keeps her car clean now, so obviously she caught on to my wise ways (please hear the sarcasm here). But seriously, she's come a long way.

Then I ran to the bank.  Am I the only person who has the audacity to treat money like a hassle sometimes? I recently read this article on ways to save/ earn money in this new economy, and discovered that you can sell gift cards.  I have a specific pouch in my purse just for gift cards.  I use most of them.  But I had one for Saks from, like, at least 5 years ago.  It's not that I couldn't find great things to spend it on, because I SO could.  But I hadn't yet, and so I decided to sell it back.  It's actually pretty cool.  I mailed it off after filling out an online form, and a week later got a check in the mail.  Also, I always respond to those customer surveys on receipts.  I did one a few weeks ago and came in second place in their monthly drawing.  And wouldn't you know? I had a check for $50 for me in my mailbox! So, these checks had been sitting in my wallet for some time now, doing NOTHING.  I kept thinking that I'd run to the bank and cash them, and that would be great because I never carry cash, so I had some tangible dough in my wallet (we're a debit card using family). Well, I finally "ran to the bank."

The day prior to this glorious day, we knew the beauty was approaching.  So, while Sofia played pleasantly in her room, I pretended to be engaged with her, while partaking in my semi-annual ritual of going through her clothes.  Every three months or so, I have to load up a new storage bin with clothes that no longer fit her.  It's always cleansing and a little sad, and a great excuse to shop for her some more.  So, in anticipation of my spring cleaning extravaganza, I did it.  Each time I do this, I'll set aside some clothes that I know will never be worn again.  That pile was getting pretty big, so I decided to try to sell some of it to Once Upon a Child.  So, I headed there next.  It was a successful trip, I didn't buy anything, and I got a decent amount for the things. 

This day was great!  I was pulling in cash every time I turned around!  I dropped off the rejected clothes at Goodwill and  headed home.  But, no relaxing now.  Since I've been pregnant, I rarely have caffeine, so after the chai, and the sunshine, I was feeling better than I had in a while. So, instead of lounging on the couch, relishing in the babylessness (yes, that's a word, even if spellcheck thinks otherwise. Spellcheck obviously doesn't have children) of my day, I went to work taking my closet then Josh's as my next victims.  Then I did yard work.  I took breaks by playing ball with Pablo.  I felt so accomplished and so not pregnant and fat and lazy.  And isn't that what it's all about people? No? Well, okay...

The spring cleaning is well underway and I am loving every second of it! I'm a "nester" when I'm not knocked up.  So, god help my family when the real nesting sets in. One of my next endeavors will be a yard sale.  So 1988, I know, but why not? My garage has slowly been accumulating stuff ever since we moved in, and with this round of spring cleaning in progress, the pile is growing.  I'm excited at the prospect of selling my things that I still see some value in, just not enough to keep in my own house. After the yard sale, I'll donate whatever is left.   I know I promised to stay away from "this is what I did today" blogs, but if what I did is directly tied to my refurbishment, then it's legit.

When my garage is cleaned out, I will be starting a bigger, better, awesome endeavor that will be announced when I'm brave enough to actually put in writing, to the public, what this project is REALLY about.  Until then, thanks for the kind words of encouragement about this blog, and I'm going to try to write more often and more interestingly. 

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