22 March 2011

Let's not call it "negative". Let's just call it "interesting".

Okay, I've been in a funk.  I'm pretty sure it's the pregnancy hormones (plus the synthetic ones I have to take for ten more days).  Having a toddler is so interesting.  The highs are incredibly high and absolutely wonderful.  She's talking so much, and sometimes saying hilarious things.  She's SO LOVING.  Free kisses anytime.  And, she ends most sentences with "Mama", as in, "Thank you Mama" or, "No, Mama", which is so cute. Most of the time.  Now that she knows the word NO, she's able to actively make decisions.  Like, "Sofia do you want eggs for breakfast?" "No, Mama." "Sofia, how about pancakes, or a bagel?" "No, Mama."  In situations like this, I think she just says it to say it, because she ends up eating her eggs or pancakes and all is happy in her world. 

It gets ugly when she actually means NO.  The tantrums are fierce.  They're quick, so not too painful.  But some days, they're frequent.  Especially when she starts getting tired. Or she needs a diaper change.  Or I don't turn on "Hot Dog" or "Ming Ming". And then there's this whole weird thing/ quirk she has.  I often put bows in her hair.  Here's what used to happen:  She'd do something she's not supposed to, I'd tell her NO or STOP (a few times) and she would slowly stick her bottom lip out, contort her face, break into a wail, pull the bow from her hair and throw it amidst some level of tantrum.  That has evolved into this:  I say (calmly) NO one time, and she gently touches her head where the bow should be (it's mostly pigtails now, or I don't bother with the bow), says, "Bow?" and goes about her day.  It's kind of weird and kind of funny. Unless it's a big one, then she proceeds to get angry that there's no bow to throw, and she hunts for something else to throw.  If that doesn't pan out (say she's riding in a shopping cart or something), she can potentially go into what I like to refer to as a meltdown. 

The beauty is that it's becoming predictable and I think it's pretty age appropriate give or take.  Also, I gotta love her spirit? (Remember the intentional question marks.)  Also, I love that she does this quirky thing, as I have  few myself.

For example:

In my car, I have a digital thermostat, meaning I can see the numbers of degrees it is instead of a dial or a high/ low option.  I CANNOT have that number not end in 5 or 0.  So, it is always set to 65, 70, 75, 80, or 85.  Even if I know in my head that 72 degrees would be the optimal temperature for that trip, can't do it.

I cannot/ will not step on a drain in a shower. EVER. There is something so gross about it to me.  And just the feeling of the texture of it on my feet completely freaks me out.

I HATE sharing drinks with anyone.  Period. 

When I'm falling asleep every night, I think about redecorating spaces.  Either ones in my own house, or places I've been. It's like my "counting sheep" and I do it every night. 

And while I'm at it, here are some of my pet peeves:

People that drive slowly in the left lane on the highway.  I don't know if the term pet peeve does this justice.  It's more like, if I could, I would follow you to your destination, get out of my car when we arrive, and berate you until you give me an acceptable reason why you would just be Sunday drivin' in the fastlane.  Good luck with that.

People that post eye roll worthy things on Facebook.  Some of you may roll your eyes at that, thinking, "Um, hello pot, stop calling that kettle black!"  I know, I know, and that's okay.  For me, it usually involves posts about religion, the end of the world, and politics.  I could site many specific examples, but the culprits are probably reading this, and I'm not that brave. Hey, just being honest?

Half assed anything.  I'm going to call my husband out on this one.  One of his jobs is to take out the garbage.  Never. Not once since we lived together, has he gotten EVERY piece of garbage out of the house.  He may forget one of the bathroom cans, or the laundry room, or a bag in the garage. This is one of my examples of annoyingly half assed things.
*DISCLAIMER- I love many, many, many things about my husband. He's unbelievable. But I will complain about him here.  I'm okay with that.  And I'm sure he's fine with it.  Right, honey? Great. I love you.

Okay, there's so much more that I could add to these lists, but I'm starting to feel guilty about luring you to this blog and then blasting you with sarcasm, cynicism, and negativity.  It's just been one of those weeks days for me and I needed to vent.  No refurbishment here.  Except maybe my recognition of change worthy things?

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