03 August 2011

Spoilers Galore

Whew! The fun never ends around here. Like the new look? Well, don't get used to it. I'm finally really learning how to customize this, and when I have time, I like to play around with it.  I just don't have that much time! Life is SO BUSY.  My job is keeping me on my toes, and, well I'm approaching the 30 week mark in this pregnancy and chasing an extremely wild enthusiastic little lady is proving to bring on aches and pains I didn't think I'd have for a few more decades.  Cue me slowly getting up from the couch holding my back, moaning, and waddling down the hall to the bathroom at least once an hour

Aaaand, if I may jump right into the refurbishing, we've been in the process of moving our home office to the basement, converting old office into a nursery, and magically transforming Sofia's nursery into a "big girl" room.  I just commented to Josh that I'm actually starting to feel deeply saddened about the last item.  No, it's not because I'm terrified that she'll wake in the middle of the night and wander into the kitchen, open the refrigerator, and dump everything out wake up crying and scared and be trapped in her room.  It's because she's turning into a "big girl".  I don't want to push this process on her because she's becoming a big sister.  But, I am taking away her crib earlier than I would if there wasn't a new one on the way.  (Disclaimer: I would totally just go buy a new crib if I didn't think Sofia was ready for the transition) She just really is growing up SO FAST.  And I know that if I had a nickel for every time a parent said that, typed that, felt that... well, let's just say I'd be working with a designer on these projects, rather than bragging about my thrifty ways.

With that said, I'm not going to be doing any before and afters tonight, for two reasons.  One- nothing is finished yet.  I work on it for an hour or so at night, or here and there when I can, with the help of Josh, my BFF, and lots of other support (namely our moms, who watch Sofia any time we ask).  Two- the real how-to/ before & after blog will be debuted here.  If you're not following this blog, DO. It oozes inspiration, it's written by an old friend, and I'm excited that I will get to be a part of it.

However, I did want to share some spoiler pictures, if you will... to whet your whistle about what's to come, and to validate that, yes, this blog is kind of, maybe, starting to serve it's purpose.  I won't say much about the photos except that they're of items going in three different rooms and they're all part of unfinished work.  Be sure to scroll past the pics, as I will also include a quick Sofia update, mostly for me, so I can really remember and treasure these last 10 weeks with her before we have to share each other with a new baby.

Intrigued? Excited? I am! Wahoo!

As for the Sof monster, she's quite the bundle of energy.  There are frustrating times when she's so defiant I worry that I'll never make it through her teen age years without pulling gray hairs out one by one as some sort of twisted therapy.  But, and I REALLY mean this, the good times and laughs with her right now overwhelmingly outweigh those difficult times.  People, this child is HILARIOUS. And she knows it.  She does her best work in front of a crowd of familiar faces, and is proving to be the "life of the party" type kid.  That's not to say that she's not timid. She is.  She's daring in the physical sense (as in, "Oh, there's only 6 steps left to go down? I think I'll jump instead!" or, "Oh, that [toy drum, coffee table, rocking chair, etc...] would be the perfect object to jump off of, so I will!) But she's not so daring in social situations.  She's friendly and not aggressive at all, but definitely quiet at first.  I really try to stay away from those "this is what your child should be doing at this age" lists because I will just freak myself out, but folks, this child can gab.  Her vocabulary, inflection, and pronunciation ah-maze me. She doesn't always use her s's, especially if they're the first letter of the word.  (sidenote: she always pronounces one "s" word exactly right, and it may or may not be a term she heard me say while driving... funny how that happens, no?) There's some other little quirks, and if Sofia Gill 101 were a foreign language course at OU, I would pass with flying colors.  In other words, others marvel at my interpretation skills when it comes to my daughter.   She can easily count to ten, count objects, and count to five in Spanish.  She knows her ABC's and countless other songs.  Her preferred method of transportation is hopping and somersaulting. We've finally reached that spot that you dream of during your child's infancy where they can vocalize what's wrong.  She's (surprisingly) a HUGE tomboy, almost always preferring dinosaurs, trains, and Spiderman to princess wands and tiaras.  She does love to sport her bracelets, though, and she lets you know immediately if she's dirty. She excels in swim class, but, as the instructor, Grandma Carol, said, "Sofia definitely has a mind of her own!"  She is very aware that her baby sister is in my belly, and she already tries to help with her, by brushing her teeth and sweeping the new nursery.  As usual, I could go on and on, but these are the highlights.  She is a simply amazing little being and I have never been so proud of anything in my entire life. 

There you have it.  I know that if I think my life is busy now, I haven't seen anything yet.  But, it's good busy, and fun, and really, what more can you ask for?

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