04 March 2011

An introduction to the introduction

Today is the day that I take the first step.  It was an eventful day (emotionally/ professionally), and so I decided that today is, what I'm going to coin as, "First Step Day".  I've had this idea for a LONG time, and I have no good reason why I haven't pulled the trigger yet.  But, I think I know why I chose today.  There is SO much going on and I need to catapult into the presence of it all.  Does that make sense?

When I started researching about starting a blog, the first piece of advice that I came upon was to "find your niche."  Naturally, because I follow so many "mommy blogs", I thought that would be mine as well.  And, don't get me wrong.  There will DEFINITELY be LOTS of baby goodness on these pages.  I foresee countless pictures of my now 16 month old as well as daily updates and anecdotes.  For example, we reached a milestone tonight: we put her down awake, and... wait for it... SHE JUST FELL ASLEEP IN HER CRIB! (Yes, we have still been rocking her to sleep. This will be the first time of many that I unapologetically admit to our parenting no-no's methods). It may or may not have been preceded by a toddler's version of the floor routine (which Josh and I had the pleasure of viewing via video monitor). This one is quite an acrobat.

Furthermore, I'm 8 weeks pregnant! So, I betcha you'll hear lots of those details, too. 

But, when I had this idea, I wasn't pregnant yet.  And, I was thinking about some positive changes I was looking forward to making in my life.  Some are big and some are small (teehee). They regard everything from physical fitness to my career to redecorating my home to cooking.  We are very excited about the new pregnancy, and after the surprise settled into acceptance and comfort, it actually propelled me into finally typing these words.

I realize I'm a late bloomer.  I've been religiously lurking reading several blogs for years now, and I actually created one and made one post mid-pregnancy with Sofia. I deleted that tonight. Ahem.  I have a twitter account that I never use.  My writing is somewhat of an untapped resource for the blogging world, and I'm finally ready to spread the wealth. (Please note that the previous statement is the first of MANY examples of my dry, sarcastic, and questionably, brutally honest sense of humor? Yes, that's a question mark.)

It is SUCH a work in progress right now.  I'll change the layout, ummm, I'm guessing 78 times before I stick with one.  I haven't decided if I'll use aliases to protect the guilty.  Here's what I DO know. I will never, EVER refer to myself as Mama (no offense to those of you that do.  I just find it so redundant in the blogging world, and yes, Sofia does call me that, but that is the ONLY time I find it acceptable.  On that note, I can't wait to write the one where I expose my gazillions of weird pet peeves and OCDesque behaviors. But, that's for another day.  Gosh, am I still in parenthesis? Yikes!) Along those lines, I also promise to never refer to you, the readers, as ya'll.  And I'm actually from a place where some people use that term in daily language.  But, not me.  Hold me to this.  If I happen to slip, and you notice, you win a prize. 

Okay, like I said, this is just the intro to the intro, and there's so much more.  I don't even know if what I've written so far is too much, or not enough... Hmmmm... I'm going to close it up for tonight and hope for the best.  Will I lay in bed tonight and fight the urge to change this? Yes, undoubtedly.  But, I won't! Only because I'll be way too tired to get up once my head hits the pillow. 

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